Do You Suffer from High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), you probably take prescription medications. Did you know this can be dangerous?

Prescription medications are frequently synthetic, and can be harmful to your health. Prescription drugs also DON'T treat the underlying cause of your hypertension.

Did you know that some alpha and beta blockers can cause headache, nausea, and even raise your BAD cholesterol levels? It's true.

You know that high blood pressure can cause heart attack and stroke if not treated properly. Did you know that there are many natural ways to reduce your blood pressure to normal?

Using natural methods to treat hypertension works just as well as prescription medication, and using these methods will treat the cause of the problem, improving your overall health!

To learn more, read about some of the best natural remedies for hypertension below. My pick is The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report, but what works best for me may not be what you need.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure - Prescription Drugs Aren't the Answer

Did you know there are several ways to lower high blood pressure without the use of prescription medication? You know that eating too much salt is an issue, and that stress isn't good. But did you also know that certain foods, herbs and other natural methods work as well as drugs?

In fact, using a combination of methods can lower your hypertension even better than prescriptions. Many drugs that are commonly used for high blood pressure are synthetic, and can cause a host of side effects such as headache and nausea. Most of these drugs don't treat the underlying cause of your hypertension - a fact I bet you didn't know.

Here are a few simple ways to lower high blood pressure naturally:

1. Add foods that contain magnesium and potassium to your diet. Bananas, potatoes, celery and chocolate are good foods to add to your diet.

2. Practice meditation, deep breathing and yoga. All of these actions help to reduce stress, a major factor in high blood pressure.

3. Get your rest. People who don't sleep enough hours have an increased risk for high blood pressure, so get your zzz's in.

4. Herbs - Many herbal supplements are excellent for maintaining normal blood pressure. Also, herbs do treat the cause of hypertension and don't cause the side effects that prescription drugs can.

There are many other natural remedies to treat your condition that work extremely well when combined. Treating hypertension so important, because left untreated you can suffer a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm or even worse.

Another little secret you may not know about natural remedies - you can even improve your cholesterol levels and diabetes symptoms! Your overall health will improve, and you can actually add years to your life.

Learn more about the many ways to lower high blood pressure by reading The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report. It is the best resource for anyone with hypertension, and it's packed with pertinent information you need!