Do You Suffer from High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), you probably take prescription medications. Did you know this can be dangerous?

Prescription medications are frequently synthetic, and can be harmful to your health. Prescription drugs also DON'T treat the underlying cause of your hypertension.

Did you know that some alpha and beta blockers can cause headache, nausea, and even raise your BAD cholesterol levels? It's true.

You know that high blood pressure can cause heart attack and stroke if not treated properly. Did you know that there are many natural ways to reduce your blood pressure to normal?

Using natural methods to treat hypertension works just as well as prescription medication, and using these methods will treat the cause of the problem, improving your overall health!

To learn more, read about some of the best natural remedies for hypertension below. My pick is The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report, but what works best for me may not be what you need.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally - How You Can

If you have hypertension, there are several ways to lower high blood pressure naturally. Other than prescription medications, there are natural herb and vitamin supplements that are very safe and effective. There are also some lifestyle changes you can make to avoid taking prescription drugs.

Did you know that prescription drugs for blood pressure can cause damage to your body? For example, some medicines affect your liver. It's much safer to control hypertension with natural methods if you can. Here are a few tips to help you make your decision.

Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally

Vitamins and Herbs - There are many good supplements available to help you control this disease without prescriptions. Some of the ingredients you will find in these supplements are magnesium, hawthorne berry, garlic, B-6, B-12, Folic Acid, and Niacin just to name a few.

Did you know that a magnesium deficiency can cause thickening of the arterial walls, which contributes to high blood pressure? Having a good balance of magnesium keeps arteries supple and open.

Lifestyle Changes - There are too many ways to lower high blood pressure naturally for me to mention them all, but here are a few methods that help tremendously.

First of all, do you smoke? Nicotine raises blood pressure quite a bit. Besides being bad for your health in general, you should stop smoking to help reduce the risks.

Drinking alcohol is another habit that should be closely monitored. If you drink just 1 or 2 glasses of wine per day, this is generally good for your overall health. More than that, and your blood pressure rises. If you drink substantially more alcohol than this, you should reduce the amount as described above.

Are you stressed? Stress has a HUGE impact on hypertension. Finding ways to channel your stress will help to lower high blood pressure naturally, and improve your total health. Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga all have a significant impact on lowering stress. There may be issues that cause your stress such as job or family related issues. Try to deal with these to lower your stress level.

These are just a few of the many ways to deal with hypertension. High blood pressure causes stroke if not taken care of properly. With the proper vitamins and lifestyle improvements, you CAN lower high blood pressure naturally!