Do You Suffer from High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), you probably take prescription medications. Did you know this can be dangerous?

Prescription medications are frequently synthetic, and can be harmful to your health. Prescription drugs also DON'T treat the underlying cause of your hypertension.

Did you know that some alpha and beta blockers can cause headache, nausea, and even raise your BAD cholesterol levels? It's true.

You know that high blood pressure can cause heart attack and stroke if not treated properly. Did you know that there are many natural ways to reduce your blood pressure to normal?

Using natural methods to treat hypertension works just as well as prescription medication, and using these methods will treat the cause of the problem, improving your overall health!

To learn more, read about some of the best natural remedies for hypertension below. My pick is The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report, but what works best for me may not be what you need.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure That Really Work

If you have hypertension, you may worry about taking synthetic prescription drugs. There are natural remedies for high blood pressure that work, along with a few lifestyle changes where needed. By making just a few changes you can save the money you were spending on prescriptions, and improve your health!

You probably know about habits that affect your blood pressure - smoking, excessive alcohol, lack of exercise, stress, etc. But did you know that there are natural herbs and minerals that will lower and control hypertension? Many people use natural remedies to control high blood pressure with great success.

Some of the ingredients you will find in most natural supplements include calcium, magnesium, folic acid, niacin and juniper berry. There are other ingredients and herbs, but these are a few that work to lower blood pressure. These herbs and vitamins work to support your cardiovascular system.

One of the main causes of elevated blood pressure is high homocysteine levels, which can be normalized very well with B-6, B-12 and folic acid. Most natural supplements contain these vitamins as well as other herbal ingredients. Studies have shown that these vitamins can decrease risk of hypertension by 46% - pretty amazing!

Common sense tells you if you smoke, quit. If you drink more than 2 drinks per day, cut back. And if you eat an unhealthy diet, try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables and cut back on processed foods. Also, as you already know, cut back on the salt! And try to reduce stress with exercise, meditation or a much needed vacation.

As you can see, there are many natural remedies for high blood pressure. For the sake of your health and your pocketbook, try changing your habits and using natural herbs and vitamins!