Do You Suffer from High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), you probably take prescription medications. Did you know this can be dangerous?

Prescription medications are frequently synthetic, and can be harmful to your health. Prescription drugs also DON'T treat the underlying cause of your hypertension.

Did you know that some alpha and beta blockers can cause headache, nausea, and even raise your BAD cholesterol levels? It's true.

You know that high blood pressure can cause heart attack and stroke if not treated properly. Did you know that there are many natural ways to reduce your blood pressure to normal?

Using natural methods to treat hypertension works just as well as prescription medication, and using these methods will treat the cause of the problem, improving your overall health!

To learn more, read about some of the best natural remedies for hypertension below. My pick is The High Blood Pressure Remedy Report, but what works best for me may not be what you need.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Easily

There are many natural ways to lower blood pressure without using synthetic prescription drugs. Of course the drug industry doesn't want you to know that some drugs can cause damage to your internal organs such as your liver and kidneys. Natural methods work very well to reduce hypertension.

Lifestyle plays an important part in all aspects of your health. There are many factors that can cause or contribute to high blood pressure. Some of these are diet, lack of exercise, stress, alcohol and smoking.

Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

1. Do you smoke? I know it's hard to quit, I've been there myself. But we all know that smoking is dangerous for many reasons. Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and hypertension. Besides the fact that the habit is extremely expensive! Try to quit if at all possible.

2. Alcohol - Drinking alcohol in excess contributes to high blood pressure. Many people in the medical field now say that having a couple of drinks per day is healthy, but if you drink more than that try to cut back.

3. Diet and Exercise - One of the easiest natural ways to lower blood pressure is to add foods that are healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good choice. Limiting fried and processed foods will help hypertension. Salt is a big culprit, so try to cut back. Season your foods with other spices. Try to get just 15 or 20 minutes per day of exercise. This helps dramatically!

4. Stress - Do you worry a lot or have a stressful situation in your life? Try meditation, deep breathing and exercise. If the source of your stress is your job, take a vacation. Sometimes just getting away for a few days can really help reduce stress levels.

5. Natural treatment - Studies have shown that natural herbs and minerals can greatly reduce hypertension. There are many products available today that have proven to lower high blood pressure. When it comes to natural or synthetic choices, natural is always best.

If you suffer from hypertension, try to use some of these tips to improve your health. This is just a short list, but there truly are many natural ways to lower blood pressure!